Why are we so negative? - ASPIRANT


Wednesday 18 August 2021

Why are we so negative?

Why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embracesed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?

I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert land into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside the newspaper, buried among other news. In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. 

Why are we so NEGATIVE?

- Dr A P J Abdul Kalam

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