India, as a nation, can survive only as a secular state — where the state has no religion and does not promote any religion. Critically evaluate. - ASPIRANT


Wednesday 6 April 2022

India, as a nation, can survive only as a secular state — where the state has no religion and does not promote any religion. Critically evaluate.

Secularism as a concept has always been perceived as positive secularism in India which clearly says that "Our nation has no Religion of its own" which means India is a diverse country with many languages, ethnic practices, faith, belief, religion and so on and the state shall not interfere in the matter of religion of any group which is the main crux of secularism included in our constitution.

 Recently, Karnataka HC gave its verdict on Hijab raw by upholding the guidelines given by the government by adhering to uniforms in educational institutes.

Petitioner filed the ban on hijab is a violation of Fundamental Rights enshrined in part-III of the Indian constitution.

Article-15: No discrimination over religion

Article-14: Right to Equality

Article- 21: Right to life and liberty

Article-19: Right to freedom of speech and expression

Article-24: Right to freedom of religion

The judgement asserted all the rights viewed in the context of the condition and they all have come with reasonable restrictions as they are not absolute. It had upheld the spirit of common brotherhood among the sections of society and maintained unity in diversity and not unity in uniformity.


  • The issue continues to be an impediment to a secular society.
  • It also undermines the age-old concept of unity in diversity which could be considered a basic principle of the nation building process in India.
  • It can tarnish the image of India being a tolerant country in the International community.
  • It is detrimental to peace and harmony which act as a fabric to integrate any society.
  • The rights of minorities will have impinged.

Moral Precept

  • Relevance of teachings of Buddha: Tolerance towards every faith and compassion towards each and every individual.
  • The Indian subcontinent has always been enlightened with the spirit of secularism.
  • Keeping pace with the principle of brotherhood, acceptance, and tolerance is useful for the integration of social fabric.
  • The moral precepts of India are also echoed through Equality, Fraternity and Justice and these principles are also fundamental to the period of renaissance such as the Russian revolution.

Need of the Hour

  • India being a multi-religious country with the largest minority would be disintegrated if secularism is not maintained in true spirit.
  • The theocratic state will function based on religious laws which may lead to massive injustice as it will not confer the right to equality and equal protection of the law.
  • Thus, Secularism is indispensable to keep a nation integrated and united midst of diversity.

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India, as a nation, can survive only as a secular state — where the state has no religion and does not promote any religion. Critically evaluate.

Secularism as a concept has always been perceived as positive secularism in India which clearly says that "Our nation has no Religion o...