With a possibility of a nuclear plant disaster turning into an apocalyptic event being much more than other power generation methods, it is time for the world to look beyond nuclear energy. Comment. - ASPIRANT


Sunday 6 March 2022

With a possibility of a nuclear plant disaster turning into an apocalyptic event being much more than other power generation methods, it is time for the world to look beyond nuclear energy. Comment.

Russian attack on Ukraine followed by shelling and missile attack on Zheprozhia Nuclear power plant, which is the largest power plant of Europe is the grave cause of concern as the remnants of Chernobyl nuclear disaster 1986 still alive in the minds of people. 

Image source: DW news

Nuclear Energy as Power Generation Method

Nuclear energy is considered as one of the zero-emission clean fuel mechanisms to get electricity by the process of fission in which splitting of uranium atom takes place to generate electricity.

Unfortunately. we can see that in conflict situations it's not merely seen as a power generation plant as it might create a devastating effect on humanity as a whole.


  • As IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) warns that attack on the surrounding region of Nuclear power plants may present extreme risk.
  • If power supplies to the reactor fail due to attack then a situation will arise in which the power plants need to feed with less efficient fuel diesel to make it work uninteruptly.
  • A failure to the reactor in the power plant may lead to the nuclear disaster which humanity had already faced in past. For example Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster, 1986 and the Fukushima disaster of Japan, 2011.

Time to look beyond Nuclear Energy

  • As the world moves towards tech-led growth, One must think to use technology very efficiently in the field of power generation and capacity building. There are many alternatives to Nuclear energy if we want to produce zero-emission electricity.

Renewable Energy

  • Global powers must focus to enhance and promote renewable energy as it is a clean source of energy and generate power using green hydrogen.

Hydro-Power Plants
  • There is a need to improve the capacity of hydropower plants across the world as most of the stream water flows as it is and met oceanic water without being taken to use in power generation 
  • Hydroelectricity is considered as one of the clean energy which will also help to reduce climate change and adhere to principles laid down by various environmental organisation such as UNFCCC COP 26.

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