National Biotechnology Development Strategy (2021-2025) - ASPIRANT


Sunday 22 August 2021

National Biotechnology Development Strategy (2021-2025)

                                             Image source:leverageedu

Key points:


1. Biotechnology → as a key driver for a “Knowledge and Innovation Driven Bio-economy”


2. Vision: To harness the potential of biotechnology as a premier precision tool for national development and  well-being of society 


3. Mission: To make India globally competitive in biotechnology research, innovation, translation, entrepreneurship and industrial growth and be a USD 150 billion Bioeconomy by 2025.


4. India is ranked amongst the top 12 biotech destinations in the world and ranks 3rd in Asia.


5. Current estimates value the industry at USD 63 billion in FY2019-20, which is expected to grow to USD 150 billion by FY25. 

The biotech sector is primarily divided into five major segments:  

1. Bio-pharma,  

2. Bio-services,  

3. Bio-agriculture,  

4. Bio-industrial and  

5. Bio-informatics, which together contribute to the Bioeconomy. 


Note: Biotechnology industry growth in India is primarily driven by vaccines and recombinant therapeutics at present.

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