Green Bonds | UPSC 2021 - ASPIRANT


Friday 20 August 2021

Green Bonds | UPSC 2021

What is Green Bond?

Green Bond is a debt instrument like any other bond, by which investors can finance sustainable assets or projects.

  • The proceeds of the green bond offering are earmarked for use towards financing ‘green’ projects like electric vehicles, mass rapid transport systems, water and irrigation management, renewable energy etc.
  • They can be raised either by financial institutions for further lending to green projects, or by the developers directly for investment in their projects.

Image Source: ledgerinsights

Benefits of Green Bond

  • Attract Investment.
  • Positive impact on Environment.
  • Alternative to Bank Loan.

Why Important for UPSC?

According to a Council On Energy, Environment and Water – Centre for Energy Finance (CEEW-CEF) report, Indian renewable energy project developers have raised Rs. 26,300 crore through issuance of green bonds from January to June this year.

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