Bold step taken by local body in Kerala: Bans 'Sir' , 'Madam' - ASPIRANT


Thursday 2 September 2021

Bold step taken by local body in Kerala: Bans 'Sir' , 'Madam'

Image source: Downtoearth

Recently Mathur gram panchayat in Palakkad district of Kerala bans the use of salutations like  'Sir', 'Madam'. A historic decision was taken by the panchayat council meeting to do this and became the first in the nation to take such a bold step.  

The panchayat saw the salutation of sir and madam like remnants of the colonial British period and suggested to address them by theirs. If someone felt it disrespectful then they can call them Chechi(elder sister) or Cheta(elder brother). 

The thought of council was in line with democracy and they said that it's been 75years, we were free from British rule and now it's time to show the supremacy of the people of India and not the officials. The democratic principles laid down in the Indian constitution must be implemented fully.

In a democracy, officials are government representatives or govt. servant and citizens are the supreme authority and they should not exercise their rights at anyone's mercy. It's their fundamental right to use services provided by govt.

Note: This is the first step taken at the local level to promote governance and such kind of reforms must be taken at the national level so golden words are written in our preamble " We the people of India...." justified its true spirit.

Source: The Hindu

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