Commitment - ASPIRANT


Thursday 12 August 2021


Commitment is not like a legal contract which is enforceable. Its foundation is not a signed piece of paper but character, integrity, and empathy, commitment is a sign of maturity. Commitment means not quitting at the first option-or sign of problems. Individuals with strong commitments build strong communities.

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1. Commitment to friendship implies maintaining confidentiality. 

2. Commitment to customer implies giving good service. 

3. Commitment to marriage implies fidelity. 

4. Commitment to decency implies staying away from vulgarity. 

5. Commitment to patriotism implies sacrifice. 

5. Commitment to job implies integrity. 

6. Commitment to community implies responsibility.

  • There is a difference between preferences and conviction. Preferences are negotiable; convictions are not. Preferences give way under pressure; convictions become stronger. That is why it is important to have a good value system so that our convictions are worthy because convictions in turn lead to commitment.

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