10 Psychological Hacks to Get Things Done - ASPIRANT


Thursday 12 August 2021

10 Psychological Hacks to Get Things Done


1. Find your biological prime time.

It’s the time when your mind is naturally most focused. 

Once you know when you work best, schedule some uninterrupted work time accordingly.

2. Tackle the worst task first.

Also called “Eat the frog“, this will give you a sense of relief and energize you for the rest of your tasks.

3. Divide big tasks into small tasks.

Doing this will not only make the task more concrete and actionable, but it also makes it seem smaller and easier to start.

4. Mute notifications.

Any incoming notification from your phone or computer will easily distract you and raises inattention and hyperactivity. 

Once distracted it can take you up to 23 minutes to focus again.

5. Use the Pomodoro Technique.

Working in sessions prevents burnouts and increases efficiency. 

Work on just one task for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break and repeat. 

Make a bigger break after 4 sessions.

6. Chew gum.

Gum increases the flow of oxygen keeping you more alert and maintaining longer focus

7. Apply the spider technique.

Learn to not pay attention to distractions with the spider technique. 

If you get easily distracted by people entering the room, try to ignore them by maintaining the focus on your task.

8. Have a “Stop Doing” list.

Write down time-wasting habits you want to stop and write down things you should do instead.

9. Have a “Distraction” list.

Make a list of all the things that pop up in your mind other than the work you’re doing, and dedicate time to them once you’re done.

10. Use sticky notes as reminders.

Visual reminders will help your brain to memorize and keep the focus on the right things.

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